
Showing posts from October, 2012

I Believe in Redemption

So, why does a group of men and women in orange shirts and pants with the big, white letter P at their back and dancing Psy’s “Gangnam Style” move me? I’m not really an avid fan of Psy, and never even heard of him until a friend introduced his so-called “dance craze”.  I didn’t understand one word of that set of Korean lyrics, although the music video gives me an idea it has something to do with riding a horse.  But his song had a certain beat that make most, if not all, listeners tap their toes, or shake their heads a bit.  For some others, like the dancing inmates of Cebu , pour out their hearts in moving along those beats. Watching them dance the Gangnam style stirred something in me.  You would forget how much money they’ve stolen, how many shabu they’ve inhaled, or if they did murder that neighbour of theirs.  The uniformed movement of their bodies along with the beat displays a set of faces having the time of their lives, relishing the appreciat...