I am a Christian. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I follow Him and His teachings in my everyday thinking, talking and walking. I am sure that when I die, I will get to be with God in heaven, because that is what He promised to those who believed in Him. But YES, I am also a hypocrite. I grew up in a Christian church, having a Reverend Pastor as father, well-versed in every known Bible story and always “sticking to the rules”, that is why, I despise (please make that criticize) those who are “not like me”. I don’t speak foul words, you know, like the “F*ck” and “Sh*t” lingo, and I am “proud” of it. When my close friend got involved in PMS (Pre-marital s*x), I heart-fully told her God is not happy with what she did, but until now, I’ve never had the heart to give even just one gift to her child. I abhor ladies dressed in so revealing ways, and freely label them in my mind as “easy-to-get girls”, but I “love to be called” a “decent” woman. I tell ...