
Showing posts from August, 2008


I am a Christian. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I follow Him and His teachings in my everyday thinking, talking and walking. I am sure that when I die, I will get to be with God in heaven, because that is what He promised to those who believed in Him. But YES, I am also a hypocrite. I grew up in a Christian church, having a Reverend Pastor as father, well-versed in every known Bible story and always “sticking to the rules”, that is why, I despise (please make that criticize) those who are “not like me”. I don’t speak foul words, you know, like the “F*ck” and “Sh*t” lingo, and I am “proud” of it. When my close friend got involved in PMS (Pre-marital s*x), I heart-fully told her God is not happy with what she did, but until now, I’ve never had the heart to give even just one gift to her child. I abhor ladies dressed in so revealing ways, and freely label them in my mind as “easy-to-get girls”, but I “love to be called” a “decent” woman. I tell ...


It has gotten into me again, the serious consideration of life and death matters. Just last night, my ate-friend was sharing to us her frightening almost-robbery story. She was riding aboard a van-for-hire which would bring her to her home city, and they were passing through an unlit and unpopulated mountain-road when some armed men stopped them for a supposed checkpoint, only to declare that they were after the passengers’ valuables and they are supposed to surrender them without complaining. Although my “Ate” was instrumental in the “postponement” of that almost-robbery (because of some unexpected but God-ordained circumstances), she still admitted becoming afraid at that moment. No, she was not afraid to die, but she was afraid for the people she was with that time, some of them were crying, fearing for their life, which were under the mercy of the armed men that time. From their story, death is indeed a cause for fear. Then my father, who was one of the listeners when my “Ate” ...