A friend of mine quoted the popular line about patience this way, “patience is a talent.” I thought it funny at first because it was supposed to be virtue and not talent, but I later understood the truthfulness of that matter. Patience as a talent does need to be cultivated, developed and practiced, in order to be professionally performed.

One day, I was praying about matters of the heart and I asked God to help me be patient as I wait for His timing for me. God’s answer was this, “Are you really praying for patience? Or you’re just asking to be spared from the pain while waiting?” It was a shame to realize I was just actually asking God to shield me from the hurt and frustrations of the waiting period, in the guise of patience.

There are so many things to wait for in life, and patience is such a vital element in that. But we also have to recognize that while waiting is hard, we have God’s promise like this, they who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will rise up with wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. The divine strength that God supplies to us is real reward to look forward to.

So, be patient, no matter how painful the waiting could be at the moment. Keep on letting God hold you, and preserve you to be the person He wants you to be. Keep on trusting, no matter how unbelievable the circumstances could be. Remember that you’re not alone in the waiting line, and that above all, God’s timing is always perfect. =D


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