GOD's apprentice

Apprenticeship is a familiar lingo for college students. Some call it on-the-job training, while others call it practicum, but it means the same purpose – preparation.

Whatever career path a person decides to choose and so he took up a particular college education degree, there is always that needed “preparatory” subject just before he graduates. Being an apprentice makes the person “taste” what it is to be an engineer, teacher or medical practitioner. This is one of the important highlights of a student because this would guarantee how equipped one could be in facing the actual world.

Well, the same thing goes with our spiritual lives. We also face this “apprentice” stage or on-the-job training everyday. God is preparing us, teaching us, and shaping us so that we could become the persons He wants us to be. God’s training comes in many forms, and with them, we could get hurt, tired or joyful, but His intention remains the same, to bring out in us the character just like Jesus Christ’s.

Being God's apprentice is not easy. So if you’re facing hardship today, just remember that it could be God's preparation for you for a more wonderful and rewarding journey ahead . You just have to be patient and persevere through such trial, and know that God only has best intentions for us. :)


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