
Laughter is the best medicine, they say. True. But to me, it is a gift. And when it comes at unexpected times and places, and brought by unexpected people, it is mostly cherished – and heartily enjoyed.

On my way to work early this morning, I had a stopover again at my favorite “carenderia” (some kind of viand store), to buy my breakfast and lunch dishes. As I was waiting for my order to be served, I felt a strong pat on my right shoulder, with a force that caused me to turn around. Along with that, I heard a male’s voice almost shouting, “Rosabelle!” (Well, at least that’s how I think it is spelled, coz I heard it as “roh-sah-bill!”). Obviously, he was referring to me. We were both surprised to see each other’s strange faces. Then the guy, who was probably expecting me to be his classmate because he was in a university uniform, was obviously ashamed of the mistake as he said, “Oh! I’m sorry! (Wrong person, in other words.)” I was ready to make out my laughing-out-loud sanguine temperament, but I held myself because I was on a highway, and it was a really, really early morning. Besides, I don’t want to embarrass him more. I said, “that’s alright. (with a smile, that obviously held some villain-ish laughter.)” Then I walked away.

Can I laugh now? Hahahahahahahah… :D

Surprisingly, it got me into a reflective mode a while after. I realized I missed laughing hard, so much, and so loud. There were things that pre-occupied my thoughts (again!) lately. Laughing my heart out relieved me in a way. Somehow, it ushered my concerns to a brighter perspective. It’s good to laugh, yes! Some things, though plain and simple, just have to be noticed, and it’s best when all your senses are alert enough to notice and receive them. And with Rosabelle’s story, I’m glad I did! (Thank you Lord for this gift of laughter.)

(Laughing continues…. :D)


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