It's a mess, right, but it doesn't have to be messy

There are many messy events in the world, and one would just have to listen to the news everyday to know many tragic and sad details of it. But the sadder part of all is the fact that nobody is exempted in being in a mess.

Maybe, you too had your own mess today. You’ve failed someone, or on something, you figured with a conflict in the office, you got frustrated over an unmet expectation. Your list could probably go on.

But here’s something we have always to keep in mind regarding this. While it’s true that being in an unpleasant or messy situation is something we can’t escape from, we can of course prevent the situation from getting worse, by first of all responding to it the godly way. In the Christian perspective, we can learn that God’s grace is mostly evident in messy situations. God always offers hope in every seemingly impossible situations, He can bring out the best out from the worst, and He can provide help where we see helpless circumstances. You may be in difficult situation right now, but it’s not always like that. As what Psalm 121:1 says, lift up your eyes to God and in Him your help always comes from. You can turn to God, and call out to Him, bare out all your heartaches to Him, and He will listen to You, and heal you, and turns the situation in such a way that you will see His power, love, faithfulness and goodness.

Yes, it may be a mess, but it doesn’t have to be messy. Just be sure to allow God to work things out in your situation. :)


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