On child-like faith

I often hear parents say that babies or children really have a way of erasing away all their problems or concerns for the day. So, when I finally had the chance to spend half of a day with my one-year old niece, I realized what I heard was true. And now, I wonder why.

Perhaps because children have so simplistic view of things that adults can really find refreshing perspective from them. They laugh when they’re enjoying something, cry when they’re hungry or in pain, and don’t have a care in the world, when they sleep on your shoulder. Maybe because they are completely confident that when they’re with the people whom they recognize as the one giving them care, they know everything’s going to be alright.

This is probably the reason why Jesus teaches his disciples that we should approach God with child-like faith, one that completely trusts, one which holds nothing back. When we become older, our thoughts become infiltrated with doubts, suspicions and uncertainties we experienced from the failures and sinfulness in the world. But God requires us to totally trust in Him, that despite what we’ve already experienced in this world, despite all the hurts and pains, we will be confident that things are still going to be alright, because God, our heavenly Father, is taking care of us His children so that we can make it through.



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