Speaking of Moving On

Well, speaking of moving on, I’m sure that for some of us, the phrase “move on” is such a hard pill to swallow, right?  

It’s so easy to say we have to move on, but the actual experience of moving on is not automatic.  There’s the part where you’ll have to go over memories that hurt you.  There’s the part that you have to swallow your pride and admit that it’s over; swallow your pride and accept that you also played a part in that heartache.  There’s the part that you have to cry and cry again because it just hurts so much.  There’s the part that you look down on yourself and drown in self-pity, and crave for someone to affirm that No, you’re not what you think you are.  And there’s the part that you have to repeatedly confess forgiveness…forgiveness for yourself, and forgiveness for the other person. 

Can you relate with this?  That’s what happens when people tell you "move on", or when you have to pick yourself up and say, I have to move on.  But wait, friend, there’s still more that you might be missing out on.  Part of moving on, is also totally surrendering to God every aspect of that pain and situation… to give up all your rights to understand why it happened… to release to God the impulse to retaliate at the person or to make the other party suffer….and to just let God hold all your failures and let Him do to them as He pleases.

In Matthew 11 the word of Christ says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy-burdened and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

What does it mean to take the yoke of Christ Jesus and learn from Him?  Doesn’t it mean that we also have to give to Him first whatever we have, to release our hold on anything, before we can even receive from Him whatever it is He’s giving us?  Our hands have to be free from anything first, so that we can receive the yoke of Christ Jesus and His lesson for us. 

So yes, moving on is difficult, and excruciating.  But we can move on, that’s very possible, especially when we cling tighter to God.  And remember this, the more that moving on hurts, the closer Christ is to you.  Remember His pain at the Garden of Gethsemane, and you’ll know how hurt our Savior was because of love. Friend, there’s someone who can really walk with you through this pain.  Pray and let Jesus Christ fill You with His love and presence today.  


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