Hallelu Yah!

Hallelu Yah!

I’m pretty sure the term “Hallelu Yah” (I even spelled it before as Hallelujah) rings a bell to many ears, whether it’s for church-goers or sympathizers. It was just recently that I learned what “Hallelu Yah” means. It’s the Hebrew line for “Praise the Lord”. In the book of Psalms, that middle part of the Bible filled with many poems, there’s just many sets of “Hallelu Yah’s” there! This line is usually placed at the start of the poem, or at the end, or both. And no matter what the psalm’s content is, be it rejoicing over victory in a war, grief over great troubles, despair over abandonment, or expression of hatred to the enemies, that particular line is still included. I believe the psalmist’s intent is to let the readers know that the best thing to do in every situation is to “Praise the Lord!”.

Why do we have to praise the Lord in whatever circumstance? Because it’s in that act of praising Him that we get to recognize He is the one in-charge. When we praise the Lord in the midst of our sorrows, we get to change our focus from our problem to Him our Comforter. And when we praise the Lord at all times, we put ourselves in the right position that He is in control, and so therefore we are in good hands. So if you have any burden today, why don’t you start praising the Lord, and see the difference it makes.

"Psalm 113:7-9 -
He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of their people. He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children.
Praise the LORD. "
Hallelu Yah! :)


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