On self-worth

Our worth before anybody is nothing compared to knowing our worth before God. A story in Our Daily Bread shares about a couple who never had a child for many years in their married life. So when one day they learned that the wife was pregnant, the husband enthusiastically shared to his workmates how God answered their prayer. At this, his colleagues laughed at him, for saying that it was God who gave the child to him.

After many months, the baby was born, and the couple found out that the child had Down syndrome. And as the husband was on his way to work, he was wondering how he is going to face his co-workers. So he prayed and asked for God’s wisdom. And sure enough, when he arrived at work, what he feared about took place. His workmates made even more fun of him saying, so God gave you this child. The new father stood silently for a moment, and then he said, Yes, I’m glad the Lord gave this child to me, and not to you.

This new father humbly accepted his mentally challenged child as God’s gift to Him, on the basis that even God accepted any person no matter how sinful or unloveable he is. And this is the truth - that God embraces us not on the basis of our looks, intellect, or fame, but on the basis of His grace, that no matter how undeserving we are of His love, He chose to let us receive and experience it.

Today, let us live in this truth that God sees you as valuable in His eyes, for He has made you fearfully and wonderfully just as you are. We are His masterpiece, that’s why nobody is the same as anybody, regardless of status, race or gender. Appreciate yourself, in the light of God’s love for you. Remember that God always has the last say, so let us only trust in His judgment. :)


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